Sms Magic App – SMS-Magic Simple Business Text Messaging Tue, 05 Sep 2023 07:16:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Rising to the Top with Salesforce AppExchange: The SMS-Magic Journey Tue, 05 Sep 2023 07:16:40 +0000 In a world where instant communication has become an absolute necessity, SMS-Magic has ascended as a luminary in the realm of digital messaging services for businesses. Our rise to becoming the 2nd smartest app on the Salesforce AppExchange is a tale of innovation and resilience. Our 15-year journey in providing rich business messaging solutions stands as a beacon to our vision and relentless pursuit to deliver the pinnacle of conversational messaging available today.

Becoming a Category Leader with Salesforce AppExchange Partners From the very onset, our aim wasn’t just to be another entity on the Salesforce AppExchange. It was to redefine how businesses connect with their audience. Texting, in its essence, is immediate, personal, and direct. To harness its potential, we had to delve deep, understanding the nuances of businesses and the expectations of customers, especially when aiming to be among the top 5 smartest apps on Salesforce.

Unparalleled Features – Our Cornerstones of Success on Salesforce AppExchange

Compliance – In today’s digital age, data privacy and regulations cannot be an afterthought. Recognizing this, we’ve been proactive. By integrating TCPA, GDPR, CCPA, and CASL compliance mechanisms, we’ve provided businesses with a safe platform free from the worries of unintended regulatory breaches.

Omnichannel Connectivity – The digital consumer is omnipresent, spanning various platforms. Our solution ensures that businesses can meet consumers wherever they are. Be it SMS, MMS, Facebook, Chat, WhatsApp, or Line, the promise of conversational messaging remains unbroken.

Analytics – Data drives decisions. Our robust analytical tools provide detailed insights, helping businesses fine-tune their strategies and foster more meaningful customer interactions.

Global Text Messaging – Conversations know no boundaries, and neither do we. With our global text messaging capabilities, we’ve erased geographical barriers, bringing businesses and customers closer.

SMS Delivery – It’s not just about sending a message; it’s about ensuring it’s received. Our commitment to robust delivery mechanisms remains unwavering.

SMS Templates – We understand that in business, time is of the essence. Our advanced SMS Templates not only speed up the communication process but also ensure that every message sent is impactful and aligned with the brand’s voice.

Conversational Messaging – Building and maintaining customer relationships is at the core of any successful business. With our Conversational Messaging feature, businesses can now have meaningful two-way conversations, deepening trust and enhancing customer loyalty.

Each feature aligns with our goal of being the smartest app on Salesforce, ensuring that when businesses talk, customers listen. Whether it’s adhering to compliance standards, enabling omnichannel connectivity, providing robust analytics, offering global text messaging solutions, ensuring SMS delivery, or crafting impactful SMS templates – each element of our service is meticulously crafted.

Salesforce AppExchange Partners: A Journey of Trust and Innovation 

Integration with platforms like Salesforce is not just a feature – it’s a commitment to excellence. Our partnerships with Salesforce AppExchange partners and others like Zoho elevate the CRM experience, making it more insightful and enriching. Our Conversational Messaging Hub is a culmination of years of learning and innovation, and our reviews on platforms like Salesforce and Zoho bear testimony to this commitment.

Voices of Trust – The true Measure of our Success on Salesforce Appexchange

Feedback from our esteemed clients who have discovered us through the Salesforce AppExchange underscores the value we bring to the table. Words from pioneers in various industries only further our belief in the transformative power of our solutions.

2nd Smartest App on Salesforce AppExchange: Crafting Trusted Conversations

At the heart of our journey is an unwavering commitment to facilitate meaningful interactions. It’s not just about being a smart app on Salesforce, but about enabling businesses to have conversations that matter.

And the rise of our company is not just our rise, as this recognition makes us aim higher, and thus we welcome you at the Dreamforce 2023, as we will be unveiling the future of Messaging Solution. 

Join Us at Dreamforce by Salesforce

As we pen this journey, we’re thrilled to announce our latest venture in the world of AI x Messaging. If you’ve been keeping up with our recent emails, you’ll know that something groundbreaking is on the horizon. We’re unveiling our latest innovation at Dreamforce, organized by Salesforce. As partners and patrons of SMS-Magic, this is your chance to get a sneak peek into the future of conversational messaging.

To ensure you don’t miss out on this revolutionary unveiling, Register with us now and be part of the conversation that reshapes business communication.

As we look to the future, we’re excited about the countless conversations and transformative stories waiting to unfold. SMS-Magic is more than just a tool. It is a revolution in conversational messaging for businesses, crafted with passion, driven by innovation, and trusted by the best.

Why Your Developers Will Love Working with SMS-Magic Wed, 01 Sep 2021 13:39:47 +0000 Have you noticed all the promises messaging companies have been making about how easy their product is to use? One reviewer we saw recently said he was delighted when he set up a new messaging service and could send a text message to his own phone. We’re delighted for him, too, but we wonder if maybe your use case involves sending more than one message at a time. And we think you might be tracking messages with a CRM, too.

Messaging solution for businesses of all sizes

SMS-Magic is a great messaging solution for businesses of all sizes, but our experience tells us that it’s especially effective if you’re working with a CRM like Salesforce and a developer or two. Making all the moving parts work together seamlessly is critical to your success, and SMS-Magic works to make it so.

Michael Copley, chief technology officer for Barsala, an SMS-Magic client, said his Salesforce developers have easily been able to access the functionality of SMS-Magic and share it with other developers on their team. Developers working on Barsala’s API can ping a simple endpoint to send a message through the SMS-Magic package. It shows up in Salesforce attached to the appropriate records and in all relevant user interfaces for their support team.

Product to make life easier

Your developers will find that our team has created a product to make life easier. Here’s how:

  1. SMS-Magic integrates directly with Salesforce automation.

Salesforce Flow is one of the tools that helps developers build complex processes easily inside Salesforce. Just to give you an idea of how it works, it makes things easier by providing automated triggers, reusable building blocks and prebuilt solutions, among other functions. With these tools, a developer doesn’t have to create everything from scratch every time something is needed. Similarly, Lightning Platform helps to build enterprise mobile apps. The good news is that SMS-Magic fully integrates with Salesforce automations like these, enabling messaging from just about anywhere in the CRM.

  1. SMS-Magic contains well-documented APIs.

Developers already know what that means. For the rest of us, an application programming interface (API) helps two computers or computer programs talk to each other. For example, an API can update, add, delete or move a record, helping an outside solution, like SMS-Magic, work with Salesforce. Some APIs work well but aren’t well documented. That means developers have to figure out how the API works and how to use it without any help from the team that created it. On the other hand, well-documented APIs make the job much easier by providing background information necessary to integrate the API. Documentation saves time and effort, which means it saves money. SMS-Magic is a well-documented API, ensuring your developers will have the information they need to do the job.

  1. SMS-Magic is a managed package easily installed inside of Salesforce.

When SMS-Magic is embedded into Salesforce a developer can leverage any Salesforce object and extend the function of texting to work with the parts of Salesforce they create. That means any new function your developers might create inside Salesforce can work with SMS-Magic. Think of the possibilities that gives you! If your use case requires something new in Salesforce, SMS-Magic is available to you without extra effort.

  1. SMS-Magic manages all your carrier interactions …

… so you don’t have to. We obtain all the short codes and long codes your team needs, and we deal with the provider or carrier if any issues arise. Long codes are the 10-digit phone numbers most of us use to text our friends. Businesses use them too, but it takes about a second per code to send those messages. Too long if you’re sending thousands. Short codes are five- or six-digit codes that customers use to reach you. For example, pizza customers might receive the message “Text CHEESE for a 10% coupon.” CHEESE is the short code. No matter how many codes your campaigns require, we take the hassle out of managing them.

SMS-Magic is an expert with Salesforce integrations. The company is a Salesforce Partner and the top-rated messaging application on the Salesforce AppExchange. We also work with other CRMs like Zoho, and we have a product designed to work without a CRM.

Does SMS-Magic sound like the answer you’ve been looking for? We hope so!

Book a demo with SMS-Magic

Contact us to set up a demo or to start your free trial. Let us show you why your developers will love working with SMS-Magic!

How the SMS-Magic Mobile App keeps you closer to your customers.And ahead of your competitors! Fri, 16 Apr 2021 05:28:31 +0000 Customer engagement expectations have changed for good. Research shows that 82% of consumers look for an immediate response from brands on marketing and sales questions. Companies that aren’t ready to enable seamless, memorable conversations, will fall behind.

To help companies address the need for better customer engagement, we’ve created communication tools that span across all industries. The SMS-Magic Mobile App specifically allows your employees to make digital conversations as fast and dynamic as in-person communication.

Consider two trends we see in the world today:

  1. Customers are getting used to performing everyday tasks with their phones, from grocery shopping to setting appointments. Your customers’ world is dominated by a handful of messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and text that they use to communicate with friends and family, and are more comfortable using it for business interactions. Interestingly, research shows us that 55% of consumers want to communicate with a business using messaging apps.
  2. Employees are used to checking email on their phones and are savvy with messaging apps. On-the-go employees depend on their smartphones for work-related activities. They include on-field sales and marketing agents, customer care agents, store workers, service technicians, insurance agents, wealth advisors, and so on. Even while employees are away from their desktop or laptop computers, they need to stay in touch with customers.

The SMS-Magic Mobile App gives you the best of both worlds. It lets you engage your leads and serve your customers with tools like text, WhatsApp, and Messenger. Plus, it keeps the data and the conversation threads in sync with your CRM records. Try it yourself, and experience the power of seamless, personalized messaging!

Now, you can provide a better experience to your customers and representatives every time they connect. Below are five specific ways SMS-Magic Mobile App helps your customers and CRM users:

5 ways SMS-Magic Mobile App improves your sales and customer lifecycle experience:

1. It works across your favorite channels: WhatsApp, Messenger, and Text


The SMS-Magic Mobile App combines customer messages from three critical channels of WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Text into one inbox. It reduces the effort customers have to make to get in touch with you. As a result, you improve your lead-to-customer conversion rates and customer satisfaction scores. Our messaging app, integrated with the most used messaging channels globally, makes things simpler for your agents.

2. Supports emojis and rich media such as images and videos

It supports emojis and rich media such as images and videos

The SMS-Magic Mobile App lets you use emojis, live camera clicks, jpegs, pdfs, and more. These make for a richer, personalized customer experience. Consumers can easily share information critical to the discussion, and ask questions quickly. The mobile app allows you and your customers to go beyond the ‘text’ in communicating your thoughts. See for yourself how it enhances the quality of interaction.

3. It notifies your customers in real-time


Real-time notifications are an important factor you want your customers to experience through any communication channel. Every day you get different types of incoming messages. People respond to a campaign you launched, or someone inquires about your services from your website. In these cases, you want your agents to respond instantly. Make it happen with the SMS-Magic Mobile App! The app alerts your reps about all incoming messages through push notifications. It also allows them to respond immediately and comfortably from their smartphones.

4. It lets your reps coordinate with each other


While being in the field, or at the office, reps need to coordinate with each other on a timely basis. Coordinating with each other assures that not a single customer question is missed. Having a CRM integrated multichannel messaging app on your mobile device is always beneficial.

5. It works as a messaging extension of your CRM tool


The SMS-Magic Mobile App enables your agents to access CRM records from their device. They can start and tag conversations with any lead or customer anytime, anywhere. Every user activity on the SMS-Magic Mobile App gets automatically logged in to your CRM tool and you maintain a centralized database for reference and tracking.

Conclusion: Stay connected from anywhere


The way we work is changing. The SMS-Magic Mobile App brings a unique customer messaging experience to your on-the-move employees. It’s CRM-driven and multichannel. It goes a long way in making your employees’ lives easier and jobs more rewarding. What’s more, it delights your customers & gives you a strong edge over your competitors.

Learn more about how it can help your business specifically or Check it out in the App Store or Google Play Store.
