Manage User Permissions

In the Permission Management section, you can see what permissions are set for the user’s organization. The permissions are set so that there is access control for users of the Salesforce Org interacting with SMS-Magic Converse.

The Permission Sets are preset by SMS-Magic while the Custom Permissions are customized permissions based on the requirements of the user’s organization.

Permission are of the following categories:

  • Permission Sets – For users to access various features and functions of SMS-Magic Converse the Admin defines a set of configurations. These permission sets can be found in the user’s profiles.
    Users can have only one profile but can have multiple permission sets depending on the Salesforce edition. As Admin, you can assign permission sets to various types of users, regardless of their profiles.You can assign the following permission sets to users:
SMS Converse Conversation UserEnables the user to send messages, using SMS-Magic Converse.
SMS Converse Template AuthorEnables the user to edit and create an SMS template, using SMS-Magic Converse.
SMS Converse Permission SetEnables the administrators to access all objects and fields in SMS-Magic Converse.
The permission is a superset of the other permission set.

To manage permission set assignments to users, follow the instructions at Manage Permission Set Assignments.

  • Custom Permissions
    You can define custom permissions for specific types of processes and apps that cannot be accessed with permissions and profiles defined in Permission Sets.
    For example, for a time-off manager app, a permission set is defined to enable all users to be able to submit time-off requests. However, only a smaller set of users will be able to approve time-off requests with the help of custom permissions defined for them.
AllowToChangeConversationOwnerEnables the user to assign the conversation. (The Assign conversation feature on the converse desk will be available only if this feature is enabled)
AllowToUseSMSInsightEnables the User to send messages from Converse Desk.
AllowToChangeMessageGranularityDeprecated after version 1.48 
AllowToSendBulkMessageEnables the user to send bulk message
AllowToSendCampaignMessageEnables the user to send messages from Campaigns
AllowToSendListViewMessageEnables the user to send messages from List View Configuration.
AllowToSendMMSEnables the user to send MMS
AllowToScheduleMessageEnables the user to schedule a message.
AllowToScheduleRecurringMessageEnables the user to create a Recurring Schedule for a message
AllowToChangeOptoutEnables the user to change the default behavior of opt-out settings when sending a message.
AllowToChangeTemplateSelectionEnables the user to edit the contents of an SMS template used when sending a message
Enables the user to view converse settings
AllowToSendSingleMessageDeprecated after version 1.48
AllowToTakeActionOnConversationEnables the user to view the CRM actions on converse desk
AllowToUseSf1Deprecated after version 1.48
AllowToViewSMSSettingsDeprecated after version 1.48

For more information about custom permissions and how to create, edit, and remove permission sets, see Custom Permissions.

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.