Agent Productivity

a. Filter
It is a top-level filter to handle the analysis date range. The filter is on conversation and SMS history ‘record creation date’ i.e. all the further analysis is done on the records where the record creation date is within the filter date range.
- Metrics with conversions filter are: Active Conversations, Conversations Initiated, Conversations Unassigned, Response Pending and Reply Pending
- Metrics with SMS History filter are: Response time, Reply Time and Response Rate
Current version supports two filters:
- last 7 days
- last 30 days
b. Conversation status
All the measurements under this are based on the Conversations.
- Active Conversations – The count of conversations where at-least one inbound or outbound message is present for the filter date range.
- Conversations Initiated – The count of conversations having created in the selected filter date range.
- Conversations Un-assigned – The count of conversation that are not assigned to any user

c. Customer Responses
All the measurements under this are based on the Conversations.
- Response Pending – The count of conversations where the last message as an outgoing message in the filter date range and conversations status is ‘Not Closed’
- Response Time – The response time is defined as the time elapsed between an outgoing and an incoming message. Response time is measured for every OUT to IN pair only.
- Response Rate -The ratio of incoming and outgoing messages for all conversations.

d. Rep Replies
- Reply Pending – The count of active conversations where the last message as an incoming message and conversations status is ‘Not Closed’
- Reply Time – Reply time is defined as the time elapsed between an incoming and an outgoing message. Reply time is measured for every IN to OUT pair only. Average reply time is average for all such pairs across all the conversations where both IN and OUT messages in the pair are in the filter date range.

e. Rep Engagement Table
All the measurements collected and shown in the table below are aggregated. The same measurements are filtered based on the owner of the conversation and represented in tabular format. Star rating against a value is based on best performance as Most Active Conversations, Least Rep Reply Pending, Least Rep Reply Time, Least Customer Response Pending, Least Customer Reply Time.